While I certainly will not pretend that every entry here will be a pearl of wisdom that will better your lives, I am at least often amusing and occasionally informative.
If you enjoy my blog and happen to have a couple extra dollars on occasion, please donate. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow and that's okay! You are also certainly not required to donate to read, this is a labor of love for me. I have a gadget that now will live on the left side of my page should you ever feel inclined.
Where will your money go? Will it go towards ponies and pixie stix? Hookers and blow? Nay! I am currently working towards bettering my magical education. The first class I have my sights set on taking is Cat Yronwode's Hoodoo Magic Spells Correspondence Course, which as you can see is priced very reasonably for a year long course.
I believe that knowledge is worth something financially and it would be my privilege to use your donations to support those in our community who have made a concerted effort to translate their skills into a sustainable career.
The Life and Times of Robert Anton Wilson | Gabriel Kennedy
Here’s a quick post pointing to:The Substack article for this episode.
Where you can download the audio version. YouTube below: REMINDER: All new
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2 months ago
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