Hey kids! A lot of you read my fellow blogger, Jason Miller. His blog crashed due to a Blogger glitch and he has requested that I post the following for him:
Dear Readers of Strategic Sorcery,
As most of you know, Strategic Sorcery mysteriously disappeared on the evening of Wednesday, January 19th. The blog was not locked or cancelled by blogger intentionally, nor does it appear to be a deliberate hack. It is a glitch that is effecting about 50 other blogs.
Strategic Sorcery will now be hosted at my own website. The new address is http://www.inominandum.com/blog/
Please take a moment and update your links and follow me at the new site.
A big thanks go out to the owner of this blog for helping me get the message out. Thank you readers who have written in concerned about the situation. I am awed and gladdened by your support.
Thank you,
Jason Miller (Inominandum)
The Life and Times of Robert Anton Wilson | Gabriel Kennedy
Here’s a quick post pointing to:The Substack article for this episode.
Where you can download the audio version. YouTube below: REMINDER: All new
posts are...
2 months ago
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