The portion of New Year, New You that can be found here on my blog must be completed before joining the eCourse as the eCourse picks up where the blog portion stops. Please click on the above button to start the public blog portion of New Year, New You. All New Year, New You writing prompts have the tag "ny ny prompt".
As some of you may know, today is my last day at work. So Etsy sales would be awesome! If you need yarn or know a knitter or crocheter, it makes an excellent holiday gift!
Between now and Cyber Monday use the code: THANKSGIVING for 20% off!
Ye Olde Magic Shoppe - Soror Mimm
Harper Feist and Soror Mimm at the
Magickal Women Conference in London, 2019 Soror Mimm's got my support, and
her services can be found at the following ...
Don't Be A Dick.
Smugness - courtesy pixabay
Stop me if you've heard this one before: *"I want to be a Witch"* says a
forum poster. Or, maybe they said *"I want to do th...
Deep Training in a Secret System of Hekatean Sorcery In my first book,
Protection and Reversal Magic, I revealed some of the secrets that Hekate,
goddess o...
Breaking Radio Silence
...ever so briefly.
I've just returned from Crucible. As always, Arthur put together a highly
informative, well run and fun gathering. The only dramas (at...
ADF GoG's Summer Solstice Walking Ritual
Leela Ma in a form you may recognizeAlrighty. This is the third time I have
tried to write this post. I guess that is appropriate, as it is about my
My Evocation Opinions: A Response
On the weekend I posted an article outlining what I feel as the
pre-requisites to taking on the practice of evocation. The response has
been mostly positiv...
Do you spin & dye the yarn? The colors are so pretty!!
I do, I do! Thank you!
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